This year, the Earth experienced a rare total solar eclipse phenomenon, unfortunately, only Australia could see it. Hundreds of people made up of ordinary citizens, tourists until astronomers gathered in northern Australia to watch the moon over the sun. This phenomenon was also broadcast live via live streaming.
The process of eclipse beginning at 05:45 and ending 06:38 local time with a peak total darkness occurs within 2 minutes. In the dark shadow called the umbra falls in the National Park area Garig Gunak Barlu in the region 250 km east of Darwin. Umbra moves eastward before eventually reaching the north Queensland, where people gather.
Initially quite concerned citizens can not see straight because clouds had filled the sky. Fortunately, when the eclipse takes place they can see clearly with the naked eye or camera. The audience was amazed and felt a different atmosphere when total darkness.
The scientists also recorded the response of marine animals in the Great Barrier Reef to see the effects of this total solar eclipse. The people who witnessed the claimed total silence in the dark. "Insects and birds suddenly silent," said a tourist, Geoff Scott.
Total solar eclipses happen every 1 or 2 years, but not all areas can be seen directly. The eclipse last occurred on July 11, 2010 in parts of the Pacific Ocean. For further predicted occurred March 20, 2015 which can be seen in the area of Iceland and Norway.
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