Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rare diamond Break Records Sold Behaviour Rp 207 Billion

Diamond "Archduke Joseph" which is popular in the world was officially sold on 13 November. In the auction house Christie's auction 76 carat diamond is also a world record diamond sales. Archduke Joseph sold for USD 21.5 million or equivalent to Rp 207 billion.

Diamonds are described as perfection is derived from the famous mine in Golconda, India. From there come the best diamonds in the world like genuine diamond Koh-i type-Noor and the Blue Hope. No wonder the Christie admitted this one most valuable jewel ever presented at auction.

This initial offering price of U.S. $ 15 million in diamonds, more costly than the previous sale price in 1993 and the $ 6.5 million. But the winner of this year's auction at Christie's auction house in Geneva, Switzerland, was not named.

"This is a world record for a diamond of Golconda and the world record price per carat for a diamond with no color," said Francois Curiel, Christie's jewelry department director. "The market is not in the best condition at the moment, so this is very surprising evening sales."

Diamond is named after the owner, Archduke Joseph August, of Austria (1872-1962). Gemstone was considered to have the quality of shape, color and clarity of the highest that can be found in a diamond. Historical value that was lost during World War Two also makes it increasingly popular rare diamond.


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